Thursday, March 10, 2016

Teladan bersedekah tak kira pd siapa manusia atau haiwan

Teladan bersedekah tak kira pd siapa manusia atau haiwan..
❤        This touched
               my heart ♥ :
Kisah mennyentuh hati..💗
• Never underestimate
Allahs mercy and power:
# Jgn diperkecilkan kuasa Allah swt:
A young man' mother was hospitalized.
#Ibu seorang pemuda dirawat di hospital.
وأدخلت للعناية المركزه
She was put in intensive care.
#Ibunya dirawat di ICU.
وفي يوم من الأيام صارحه الأطباء
A few days later, the doctors told him the truth.
#Bbrp hari kemudian doktor berterus terang.
بأن حال والدته ميؤوس منها وأنها في أي لحظة تفارق الحياة
Her condition was hopeless, she could expire at any moment.
#Keadaan ibumu tiada harapan semboh  dan boleh meninggal dunia bila2 masa.
وخرج من عند أمه هائما على وجهه
He left from the hospital distraught about his mother
#Pemuda itu meninggalkan hospital dgn hati yg sedih mengenang sakit ibunya.
وفي طريق عودته لزيارة والدته
On his way, returning to visit his mother
#Dlm perjalanan utk melawat ibunya sekali lg
وقف في محطة البنزين
He stopped at a gas station
#Pemuda itu berhenti di stesen minyak
وهو ينتظر العامل ليضع البنزين في سيارته
As he was waiting for the attendant to fill up his tank
#Sedang dia menunggu  atendan mengisi minyak
رأى تحت قطعة كرتون قطة قد ولدت قططا صغاراً
He noticed that a cat had a new litter under a cardboard box
#Pemuda itu terpandang seekor kucing bersama anaknya berteduh dibawah kotak
وهم لا يستطيعون المشي
They could barely walk
#Kucing itu kelihatan tak boleh berjalan
He pondered!!!!
#Dia termenung sejenak!!!
من يأتي لهم بالطعام وهم في هذه الحال؟
فدخل للبقالة
Who would feed them under these circumstances, and went in to the store
#Siapakah yg akan bg kucing itu makan dlm keadaan begitu, dan pemuda itu masuk semula ke kedai minyak
واشترى تونة
He bought tuna,
#Dibelikannya tuna dlm tin
وفتح العلبة ووضعها للقطة وانصرف للمستشفى
opened the can for them and continued on his way to the hospital.
#dibukannya tin tuna itu utk diberi kpd kucing tadi dan meneruskan perjalanannya ke hospital
وعندما قدم للعناية مكان تنويم أمه
When he entered the intensive care unit
#Sebaik sahaja masuk ke bilik ICU
لم يجدها على سريرها فوقع ما في يده
His mother wasn't there anymore, he dropped what was in his hands,
#Alangkah terperanjatnya dia apabila ibunya tiada dikatil ICU itu dan tergamam
فاسترجع وسأل الممرضة
and rushed to ask the nurse
#dan bergegas lari utk bertanya kpd nurse bertugas
أين فلانة؟
Where is she?
#Di mana ibuku?
فقالت تحسنت حالتها فأخرجناها للغرفة المجاورة
She said: she got better, so we moved her to the next room
#Nurse itu berkata:  ibumu sudah  beransur pulih dan kami pindahkannya ke wad biasa
فذهب لها
He went to his mother
#Pemuda itu terus mendapatkan ibunya
فوجدها قد أفاقت من غيبوبتها
Whom he found fully alert
#Yg ketika itu dlm keadaan ceria
فسلم عليها وسألها
He greeted her and asked what happened
#Dia bersalam dan mencium ibunya sambil bertanya apa terjadi
فقالت أنها رأت وهي مغمى عليها
She said that she saw while she was unconscious
#Ibunya memberitahu ketika dlm keadaan tidak sedar dikatil
قطة وأولادها رافعين أيديهم يدعون الله لها
A cat and her kittens with their hands extended towards the heavens praying for her
#Ibunya melihat kucing dan anak2nya menadah tangan ke arah langit sambil berdoa memohon ibunya disembohkan segera
فتعجب الشاب
The young man stood there in amazement
#Pemuda itu terharu mendengar apa yg diceritakan ibunya
فسبحان من وسعت رحمته كل شيء
Praise to the one who's compassion is all encompassing
#Puji bagi mereka yg sentiasa kasih mengasihi
سبحان الله الصدقةدفعت بلاء بإذن الله
Praise to Allah, alms giving repels calamities, by Allah's permission
#Segala puji utk Allah, sedekah jariah melepaskan kita drp penderitaan, dengan izin Allah
(داووا مرضاكم بالصدقه)
(Heal your sick through alms giving)
#(Sembohkan penyakitmu dgn melakukan sedekah))
هذه فقط علبة تونه والرسول صلى الله عليه واله وسلم قال:
This is just a can of tuna.
# Itu hanya setin tuna.
The Prophet (PABUH) says: (protect yourselves from the hell fire even with a half a date).Rasulullah saw bersabda: (Lindungi diri kamu drp panas api neraka wp dgn separuh tamar)
( إتقوا النار ولو بشق تمره)
سبحان الله                 
Suhbana Allah  
Make this your first act of generosity
#Subhann Allah
Jadikan ini tindakan kamu utk menjadi seorang yg pemurah
حتى لو مشغول إرسلها"
Even if you are busy, forward it to as many people as you can
#Wp anda sibuk, forwardkan rencana ini kpd seramai rakan yg mungkin
(لاإله إلا الله)
? "يارب فرج هم من ينشره"
Oh! Allah! Ease the burdens of whoever forward this message. ♻
#Ya Allah! Engkau ringankanlah beban kpd sesiapa saja yg berkongsi kisah ini? .....

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